
A slight change

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the WPIAL doing to stop this rediculous trend in the high number of forefits in many matches that otherwise should be good and competitive ? This is ruining the sport, attendance is down and I can't blame the fans for not attending a match that lasts 30-45 min. Look at the SS Beaver and Wash. High match last night...shameful to say the least.
Tha system needs revamped before we lose all that we have invested over the years.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

were are all the box scores from last night i am looking for the canon mac moon box score and the mcguffey west mifflin box score
also the fort cherry freedom box score and were are the full results of the chartiers houston tournament consolations included

Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just look on wrestlingreport.com

Friday, December 15, 2006 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you do not see a result in the newspaper the next day, then you can be 99 percent certain that it was not reported by the coach or scorekeeper. This is a constant problem for us and we handle it this way: results must be called in the day a dual meet is held. We don't take it one day late unless there are some severe circumstances.

The reason is simple. You don't want to read about a Steelers' Sunday game result in Tuesday's paper. We don't want you to read about a scholastic result two or three days late. If we did allow that, then coaches would simply call whenever they wanted to and that would be frustrating to the reader.

If you don't see a result and want to do something about it, then call the athletic director at the school and ask whether the match was reported. That type of pressure will work.

We are just as frustrated when results are not called in because we use that as a barometer to select our athlete of the week. It's hard to be selected for anything if you keep the results a secret.

We try to get to as many wrestling matches as possible. But we have one person, me, to cover the nearly 2 dozen schools. So we rely on the schools.

Hope this helps you understand the situation better.

Friday, December 15, 2006 6:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the forfeit front, here is my suggestion. Cut the weight classes to 11. I would suggest 103 and two middleweights. That would make wrestling so much more competitive. The reason that hasn't happened is that the eastern part of the state can not only fill all weight classes for varsity but many can fill a full JV lineup. The interest is higher in that part of the state.

But it is a problem here.

Friday, December 15, 2006 6:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disagree most people look at late box scores . I think people who follow wrestling closely want to see a match box score even if its' a few days late. A wrestler or fan would like too know who wrestling in his bracket & how he wrestle against a past common opponent. They very oftain look at how a wrestle did in prior years. So a few days late is oftain not significant. Like baseball stat are an important part of this sport not just who won the match.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 4:16:00 PM  

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