Powerade quarterfinal results
106–Cavallo (H) dec. Sheehan (S) 7-4; Caldwell (GS) dec. Elvin, (CD) 9-3; Dominguez (KO) dec. Freidman (St.P) 11-5; Joseph (CC) pinned Grass (Hunt) 1:56
113–Thompson (Sol) dec. Allen (Hunt) 5-4; Kemerer (FR) maj. dec. Michael, Turner Ashby - VA 13-0; Simpkins (R) dec. Sheesley (M) 9-3; Macri (CM) dec. Fuentes (N) 8-2
120–Stainbrook (WJ) dec. Mutchnik (St.P) 6-5; Nyama, (Bra) dec. Bohince (Penn) 11-4; Klee (BA) dec. Traxler, (Belle) 7-0; Smith (FR) dec. Duran (Sol) 8-3
126–Gulibon (D) TF Kostandaras (WJ) 19-4 5:30; Maruca (FR) dec. Palamides (PT) 2-1; Keener (BM) TF Craig (Hamp) 20-4 5:36; Hvolbek (BA) dec. Shorts (CM) 7-2
132–Grey (BA) TF Synan (Hamp) 21-6 5:57; Shields (FR) dec. Cotton (Bent) 4-0; McGuire (USC) dec. Gustafson (FP) 5-2; Dippery, (CD) maj. dec. Evanovich (PT) 10-0
138–Skonieczny (WJ) TF Martin (R) 19-4 4:54; Brown, (CD) dec. Marra (B) 10-5; Baldwin (KO) pinned Kenney (Con) pinned 5:52; Preston (BA) dec. Justin Arthur (Hunt) 3-1
145–Milonas (BA) pinned Umbel (Con) pinned 1:14 Collica (Sol) dec. Lydic, Latrobe 15-10; Chishko (CM) maj. dec. Rose, (CD) 11-0; Cimato (LC) dec. Coles, Norwin 8-5
152–Parsons (BA) dec. Johnson (FP) 2-1; Galli (St.P) dec. Manion (CC) 1-0; Kent (LC) pinned Estep (Hamp) :19; Peppelman, (CD) maj. dec. Dobbin (CM) 9-1
160–Marsteller (KD) pinned Scarberry (WJ) 2:30; Zavatsky (L) dec. Mutchnik(St.P) 1-0; Coover (BA) dec. Kresevic (Sol) 7-0; Harner (N) pinned Lacey (KO) pinned :39
170–Wiercioch (CM) TF Pagan(KO) 15-0 5:40; Bicak (R) dec. Springer (N) 3-2; Rill (MSJ) by forfeit Moyer (BM) ; Moran (S) dec. Wedholm (BA) 6-1
182–DesLauriers (B) dec. Shawley, (Belle) 9-5; Blacharczyk (McG) maj. dec. Mocco (BA) 13-5; Spangler (H) dec. Liskey (TA) 4-3; Burnheimer (WH) dec. Mankey (Bent) 5-3
195–Gordon (N) dec. Mattiace (BA) 9-3; Hart (Hamp) def. Lucas (MSJ); Green(St.P) dec. Congie (CH) 2-1; Mohring (L) pinned Binotto (CM) pinned :38
220–Haines (S) pinned Shovestull (WH) 3:50; Farr (BA) pinned Tanner Hahn (GS) 6:43; Campbell (CM) dec. Chapman (CC) 8-2; Hicks (R) dec. Yaroszewski (Hamp) 3-2
Hvy–Klempay (CM) dec. Hicks (R) 5-3; Fleck (FR) dec. Phillips (AG) 1-0; Duplin (WH) dec. Mironenko (M) 3-0; Black (BA) pinned Grandelis (CH) 4:00
Key–Albert Gallatin (AG), Bellefonte (Belle), Benton (Bent), Bethel Park (BP), Blair Academy (BA), Brashear (Bra), Blue Mountain (BM), Burrell (B), Canon-McMillan (CM), Cedar Cliff (Ced), Central Catholic (CC) Central Dauphin (CD), Chartiers-Houston (CH), Collins Hill (Coll), Connellsville (Con), Derry (D), Forest Park (FP), Franklin Regional (FR)
Greensburg Salem (GS), Hampton (Hamp), Hempfield (H), Huntington (Hunt), Kennard-Dale (KD), Kissimmee Osceola (KO); LaSalle College (LC); Latrobe (L), McGuffey (McG), Mifflinburg (M), Mount St. Joseph (MSJ), New Kent (NK), Norristown (N), Norwin (Nor), Penn Trafford (Penn), Peters Township (PT), Ripley (R); Solanco (S), Solon (Sol); South Side Beaver (SSB), St. Paul’s (St. P); Turner Ashby (TA), Upper St. Clair (USC), Walsh Jesuit (WJ), Waynesburg (Wbg), Westmont Hilltop (WH)
106–Cavallo (H) dec. Sheehan (S) 7-4; Caldwell (GS) dec. Elvin, (CD) 9-3; Dominguez (KO) dec. Freidman (St.P) 11-5; Joseph (CC) pinned Grass (Hunt) 1:56
113–Thompson (Sol) dec. Allen (Hunt) 5-4; Kemerer (FR) maj. dec. Michael, Turner Ashby - VA 13-0; Simpkins (R) dec. Sheesley (M) 9-3; Macri (CM) dec. Fuentes (N) 8-2
120–Stainbrook (WJ) dec. Mutchnik (St.P) 6-5; Nyama, (Bra) dec. Bohince (Penn) 11-4; Klee (BA) dec. Traxler, (Belle) 7-0; Smith (FR) dec. Duran (Sol) 8-3
126–Gulibon (D) TF Kostandaras (WJ) 19-4 5:30; Maruca (FR) dec. Palamides (PT) 2-1; Keener (BM) TF Craig (Hamp) 20-4 5:36; Hvolbek (BA) dec. Shorts (CM) 7-2
132–Grey (BA) TF Synan (Hamp) 21-6 5:57; Shields (FR) dec. Cotton (Bent) 4-0; McGuire (USC) dec. Gustafson (FP) 5-2; Dippery, (CD) maj. dec. Evanovich (PT) 10-0
138–Skonieczny (WJ) TF Martin (R) 19-4 4:54; Brown, (CD) dec. Marra (B) 10-5; Baldwin (KO) pinned Kenney (Con) pinned 5:52; Preston (BA) dec. Justin Arthur (Hunt) 3-1
145–Milonas (BA) pinned Umbel (Con) pinned 1:14 Collica (Sol) dec. Lydic, Latrobe 15-10; Chishko (CM) maj. dec. Rose, (CD) 11-0; Cimato (LC) dec. Coles, Norwin 8-5
152–Parsons (BA) dec. Johnson (FP) 2-1; Galli (St.P) dec. Manion (CC) 1-0; Kent (LC) pinned Estep (Hamp) :19; Peppelman, (CD) maj. dec. Dobbin (CM) 9-1
160–Marsteller (KD) pinned Scarberry (WJ) 2:30; Zavatsky (L) dec. Mutchnik(St.P) 1-0; Coover (BA) dec. Kresevic (Sol) 7-0; Harner (N) pinned Lacey (KO) pinned :39
170–Wiercioch (CM) TF Pagan(KO) 15-0 5:40; Bicak (R) dec. Springer (N) 3-2; Rill (MSJ) by forfeit Moyer (BM) ; Moran (S) dec. Wedholm (BA) 6-1
182–DesLauriers (B) dec. Shawley, (Belle) 9-5; Blacharczyk (McG) maj. dec. Mocco (BA) 13-5; Spangler (H) dec. Liskey (TA) 4-3; Burnheimer (WH) dec. Mankey (Bent) 5-3
195–Gordon (N) dec. Mattiace (BA) 9-3; Hart (Hamp) def. Lucas (MSJ); Green(St.P) dec. Congie (CH) 2-1; Mohring (L) pinned Binotto (CM) pinned :38
220–Haines (S) pinned Shovestull (WH) 3:50; Farr (BA) pinned Tanner Hahn (GS) 6:43; Campbell (CM) dec. Chapman (CC) 8-2; Hicks (R) dec. Yaroszewski (Hamp) 3-2
Hvy–Klempay (CM) dec. Hicks (R) 5-3; Fleck (FR) dec. Phillips (AG) 1-0; Duplin (WH) dec. Mironenko (M) 3-0; Black (BA) pinned Grandelis (CH) 4:00
Key–Albert Gallatin (AG), Bellefonte (Belle), Benton (Bent), Bethel Park (BP), Blair Academy (BA), Brashear (Bra), Blue Mountain (BM), Burrell (B), Canon-McMillan (CM), Cedar Cliff (Ced), Central Catholic (CC) Central Dauphin (CD), Chartiers-Houston (CH), Collins Hill (Coll), Connellsville (Con), Derry (D), Forest Park (FP), Franklin Regional (FR)
Greensburg Salem (GS), Hampton (Hamp), Hempfield (H), Huntington (Hunt), Kennard-Dale (KD), Kissimmee Osceola (KO); LaSalle College (LC); Latrobe (L), McGuffey (McG), Mifflinburg (M), Mount St. Joseph (MSJ), New Kent (NK), Norristown (N), Norwin (Nor), Penn Trafford (Penn), Peters Township (PT), Ripley (R); Solanco (S), Solon (Sol); South Side Beaver (SSB), St. Paul’s (St. P); Turner Ashby (TA), Upper St. Clair (USC), Walsh Jesuit (WJ), Waynesburg (Wbg), Westmont Hilltop (WH)
106: Cavallo wrestling inspired will drop a close one to Caldwell. Joseph handles Caldwell in the finals.
CHAMP: Joseph (PCC)
113: Macri will squeak by Simpkins. Freshman phenom Michael Kemerer will post two more maj. decisions. Where is McKenna of Blair?
CHAMP: Kemerer (FR)
120: Love to watch Nyama wrestle but he'll lose a close one in semis. Klee over Smith. Stainbrook takes gold in a barnburner 7-6 OT match.
CHAMP: Stainbrook (WJ)OH
126: Gulibon by TF in semis. Gulibon by TF over Keener in finals.
CHAMP: Gulibon (Der)
132: Same result in a rematch of last years 119 PIAA semis. McGuire loses to Grey in finals.
CHAMP: Grey (Blair)NJ
138: Skonieczny over Brown. Preston over Baldwin. Preston ekes one out over Skonie...
CHAMP: Preston (Blair)NJ
145: Milonas by maj dec to finals. Cimato over Chishko, Milonas takes the gold.
CHAMP: Milonas (Blair)NJ
152: Peppelman and Parsons both cruise to finals with Peppelman taking the gold.
CHAMP: Peppelman (CD)
160: Marstellar, 'nuff said.
CHAMP: Marstellar (KD)
170: Wiercioch should easily sail to a gold here with maj decions over Bicak and Moran in finals.
CHAMP: Wiercioch (CHA..errrCM)
182: DesLauriers over Blacharczyk. Burnheimer over Spangler. DeLauriers over Burnheimer.
CHAMP: DeLauriers (BUR)
195: Can't figure this one out. Where's Hills(PCC)? Had Mattiace but I think he got caught looking ahead. Going with Mohring to win.
CHAMP: Mohring (LAT)
220: Haines goes beast with a fall in semis and maj dec over Hicks in finals.
CHAMP: Haines (SOL)
285: Klempay easily over Fleck. Black over Duplin but not by much. Makes for a very interesting final. Home gym advantage to Klempay 6-5.
CHAMP: Klempay (CM)
So there you have it my prognostications for the 2nd day of POWERAde. Team Champs will be Blair Academy. Nice to see them finally make it to SW PA. Great tournament.
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3:45 in the am and your still up hating cm. Says all I need to say. By the way how's tour team doing. Ha ha ha
You can be hated or you can suck . I would rather be hated. Quote of the day " drinking solves a wrestling problem"
Another quote, "working solves an unemployment problem", I'm just relaxing at 3am; finished a shift making $40+/hour. You could always become a writer; just need to improve your work on your spelling and grammar, then you could also get paid for being late.
There are people that are millionaires and are still ass ^%$ . You make 40 an hr 9;12 big deal. With that measly sum take it and invest it in some class , you need it!!
Prediction: Joe Tuscany will pander to Canon-Mac....This is a lock. Pathetic.
Wow, $40 hour is measly? I should have skipped college to hang paneling for a living. Very lucrative apparently.
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